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Philostrate is not enjoying the show A Midsummer Night's Dream- Ithaca Shakespeare Company

wedding close-up

wedding close-up

My wife and I, and a beautiful sunset

Several mean wearing "dresses" and singing. Beautifully Princess Ida- Savoyards Ithaca

Waiting for a first look

Headshot courtesy of Fausel Imagery

A first dance action shot

Headshot courtesy of Fausel Imagery

Hilarion on his way to steal yo Ida Princess Ida- Savoyards Ithaca

Headshot courtesy of Fausel Imagery

Any good photoshoot starts with gin

A moment of quiet at the wailing wall Photo by Alex Cohen

Hilarion singing about his problems, probably Princess Ida- Savoyards Ithaca

Plotting the dead of Lincoln Gaybraham Lincoln- Thespis Play Festival

Black Lives Matter.  Defund the Police.  Wear a Mask.
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