I hear this, or some variation like "just looking around," figuratively 100 times a day. And in a time that was not this time, who cares. I do not (did not) care if people shop without an actual goal or specific thing they're looking for. I've done that, who hasn't? Shopping is fun, man!
But look. Not right now. Shopping isn't fun. It's dangerous. Stop it. Get help.
And, like, I get it. Genuinely I do. Life is really scary right now, and most people are feeling at best bored and at worst alone. And going to shop for gadgets and clothes and whatever can help fix those things.
There is also legitimate reason to shop. You could actually need clothes, or a tent, or groceries, or whatever. Which is fine. Like, be safe, be quick, and get home. And for GOD'S SAKE don't browse.
Right here, right now, browsing is so entitled. The idea that your personal retail therapy is worth endangering all those around you (and, of course, themselves, but people should feel free to endanger themselves I guess) would be laughable if it weren't terrifying.
This rant could go on for a really long time, but I'd just be saying the same things over and over again, so I guess I'll end it here. If I ask if I can help you find anything, and you say "I'm just browsing," you're a bad person, and my life isn't worth your boredom relief.